The Child Protection and Family Services Agency (CPFSA) is investigating an incident in which a 15-year-old girl was reportedly raped by a bike taxi operator in Westmoreland.
The incident happened on January 20. The girl was a pillion rider on the taxi. The alleged perpetrator, a 29-year-old man, has since been arrested and charged with forcible abduction and rape.
“The CPFSA was made aware of this incident and we have launched an investigation into the matter. We will be offering the victim and her family psychological support, as well as any other form of necessary intervention,” the CPFSA said in a statement. “Upon giving her statement to the police, the victim was medically examined, and then referred to the Ministry of Justice’s Victims Services Division for counselling.”
“The CPFSA and the Ministry of Education and Youth continue to call for an end to all forms of violence against children, and child abuse. Our children deserve to live in safe environments and communities. They should be free to take public transport without worry. We are calling on adults to not only look out for the children in your community, but to also hold other adults accountable for how they treat children. If you see or suspect a child being harmed, intervene. It is not just your moral duty, but a civic duty, remember that our children are the future of Jamaica,” the agency added.